Sunday, July 29, 2018

1)     I know I’m a “living system” because
I am living because I take up physical space.  I need nutrients and water to keep existing.  I require an exchange of gases- O2 and CO2 to maintain a respiratory function. I am a product of procreation. I am in an environment where other like entities exist and we interact with each other.
I can’t help but also think about perception and our own cognitive function. We are what we are, based on our thoughts, beliefs and experiences. I am living because I get proof every morning that I am still here and alive. My reality is what I wake up to. I have no other conflicting viewpoint. So, currently, I am alive and I live and engage in the reality I have around me. The system of humankind and community is what I am used to, and I am part of that system.
However, I am also aware that I can create my reality.  This requires much effort as this world is very difficult to maneuver. If I make the effort, what might I create for my future? Will I be limited by my current boundaries?

2)      Biophysics and Traditional Chinese Medicine
I think that they are complementary. Biophysics can bring together various disciplines to help explain a phenomena in a non-linear way. Chinese Medicine works on a body from various perspectives: emotional, physical, and psychological in the attempt to help the person heal.  The discipline of biophysics might assist in explaining how Chinese Medicine either via acupuncture or herbs or the combination, is effective in promoting healing and in settling the mind.
I think biophysics has the potential to go beyond Chinese Medicine and into all disciplines that affect energy. It can assist with how they influence the body and mind.